Le attività di ricerca dei vari partner del progetto SPHeritage hanno prodotto numerosi studi e pubblicazioni. In questa sezione, sono raccolti gli abstract degli studi inviati dai membri del progetto in occasione di convegni e conferenze al livello nazionale e internazionale.


Articoli scientifici

S. Costanzo, M. Pappalardo, E. Starnini, E. Rossoni-Notter, O. Notter, A. Moussous, M. Soares-Remiseiro, P. Fermo, M. Cremaschi, A. Zerboni, (2024), Integrating musealized archaeological sediment collections into current geoarchaeological analytical frameworks for sustainable research practices. MethodsX 13, 102897, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2024.102897.

D.D. Ryan, E. Starnini, M. Serradimigni, E. Rossoni-Notter, O. Notter, A. Zerboni, F. Negrino, S. Grimaldi, M. Vacchi, L. Ragaini, A. Rovere, A. Perego, G. Muttoni, F. Santaniello, A. Moussous, M. Pappalardo, (2024), A geoarchaeological review of Balzi Rossi, Italy: A crossroad of Palaeolithic populations in the northwest Mediterranean, Quaternary Science Reviews 327, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108515.


Presentazioni e abstract


ProGeo 2023

Bollati - The BalziI Rrossi geocultural site (ligurian coast,Italy) - an opportunity to enhance the connection between geosciences and cultural heritage


INQUA 2023

Gazzo et al. - What can marine shells tell us about climate change and human behaviour? A contribution to the SPHeritage Project

Pappalardo et al. - Understanding the relationship between humans and the coastal environment in the deep past: the consilient approach of SPHeritage Project

Raffa et al. - Detecting submerged palaeo-shoreline landforms in the Ligurian Provençal continental shelf facing an outstanding Palaeolithic archaeological site through multibeam and high-resolution seismic data

Ryan et al. - The Pleistocene sea-level record of the Balzi Rossi archaeological area, Ventimiglia, Italy

Zerboni et al. - Reconsidering Mid-Upper Pleistocene natural and anthropogenic cave sediments at the Balzi Rossi archaeological area (Liguria, Northern Italy)


Londra 2023

Ryan - A Pleistocene sea-level record from the archaeologically significant Balzi Rossi, north-western Mediterranean


Convegno Associazione Italiana Geologia e Turismo 2022

Pelfini et al. - Variazione del livello del mare e storia antica dell'uomo: il geoarcheosito dei Balzi Rossi (Ventimiglia, Liguria) per la divulgazione delle geoscienze


IAG Coimbra 2022

Ryan et al. - Ongoing investigations of the Pleistocene sea-level fluctuations at the Balzi Rossi archaeological area, Ventimiglia, Italy


NEPTUNE Talks, 2022

Pappalardo - Investigating Pleistocene sea-level changes through cultural heritage: methods and tools from SPHeritage Project


EGU General Assembly 2022

Pappalardo et al. - Investigating Pleistocene sea-level changes along the northern Mediterranean coast through Palaeolithic cultural heritage: perspectives from the SPHeritage Project

Zerboni et al. - Upper Pleistocene sea level changes and human peopling at the northern margin of the Mediterranean Sea: the SPHeritage Project


Commémoration Albert Ier - Monaco 2022

Pappalardo et al. - SPHeritage - leçons pour le future du patrimonie culturel du passé